
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wake up, o my eyes! Uyan ey gozlerim! Turkish to English translation

for the symphonic version w/ Kanun, ney (frequently used in sufi music), etc
for the version by Ahmet Ozhan
Sultan Murat's picture mounted on his Imperial signature

lyrics: Ottoman Sultan Murat the IIIrd (1546-1595) This is the prime time of the Ottoman Empire.
music: Santuri Ali Ufki Bey

Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan
Azrail'in kastı canadır, inan.
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Seherde uyanırlar cümle kuşlar
Dil-u dillerince tesbihe başlar
Tevhid eyler dağlar taşlar ağaçlar
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Semavatin kapularin acarlar
Mu'minlere rahmet suyun sacarlar
Seherde kalkana hulle bicerler
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Bu dünya fanidir, sakın aldanma
Mağrur olup tac-u tahta dayanma
Yedi iklim benim deyu güvenme
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Benim Murad kulun sucun affet
Sucum bagislayip gunahim ref'et
Resul'un sancagi dibinde hasret
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Translation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stanzas from the rest is mine.

Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up
Azrael's (*) intent is the soul, believe me  (Know that the Angel of Death seeks your soul…)
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

All birds wake up before dawn
They start reciting God's names in their own tongues
Mountains, rocks and trees declare It's unity
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

They open the doors of the heavens
They sprinkle the water of Mercy upon believers
They cut out garments of Paradise for those waking up at dawn (*)
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

This world is transient, don't ever be deceived
Don't rely on the crown and throne in vanity 

Don't feel confident by saying "the seven climates are mine"
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

Forgive me, your mortal servant Murad
Excuse my offenses,abolish my misdeeds
Resurrect me under the Messenger's flag
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

* Waking up at dawn refers to waking up for the morning prayer which ends before sunrise.
* Azrael=Angel of Death

Note: It is quite tragically ironic that this Sultan writes this poem upon apparently missing a morning prayer, giving the image to his people that he is a saint of God, but on the other hand seems quite content in sitting in his blood bathed throne after ascending to it by having his 5 younger brothers strangled with no apparent remorse for his murders and no repentance for his kingship acquired by murder.
There is no deity but God, there is no Sultan but God!
Not: Ne trajik bir celiskidir ki, guya bir sabah namazini kacirdigi icin pismanligindan boyle bir siir yazmis bir Sultan halkina kendini evliyaullah'mis gibi gosterirken, 5 kucuk kardesini bogdurtarak kanli tahtinda oturmaktan pek memnun gorunur, katilliginden hicbir pismanlik belirtisi sergilemez, ve katillikle elde edilmis saltanatindan tovbe etmez.
Ilah yoktur Allah'tan baska, Sultan yoktur Allah'tan baska!
La ilaha illAllah La Sultana illAllah!

Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

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