
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Benim olduktan sonra... Once it is mine...

***English translation below***

Gece ayi goruyorsam, ay benimdir, benim icin yaratilmistir.

Yildizlari temasa ediyorsam, onlar benim icin gokyuzune takilmis her an degisip duran bir sahnedeki sus lambalaridir.

Cicek bahcemde olmasa ne yazar, tum gordugum cicekler benimdir, Cemil'in Sonsuz Cemali'nin gozumu oksayan kucuk pariltilaridir.

Okyanusun dibinden cekilmis fotograflardaki rengarenk baliklar, iste onlarin da hepsi benimdir, benim icin yaratilmistir.

Suriye'de olen bebek, benden dogmasa ne olur. O da kalbimi kanatiyorsa, benim bebegimdir. Benim zulme bugzetmem icin, benim dua etmem icin benim icin yaratilmistir.

En guzel yemekler, benim bogazimdan gecmese ne olur. Sevdiklerimin aldigi lezzet beni de sevindiriyorsa, o yemek benimdir. Benim Rezzak'i anmam icin benim icin yaratilmistir.

En guzel pastayi ben degil arkadasim yapsa ne olur. Pastadaki guzelligi sanati lezzeti gorebiliyorsam, Rabbim o pastayi bana vermistir. Benim icin yaratmistir. Insanogluna verdigi yetenegi gorup Rabbime hayran kalmam icin.

If I can see the moonlight at night, the moon is mine, it is created for me.

If I can contemplate the stars, they are decorating lamps hung up for me in an ever-changing stage.

If the flower isn't in my garden, who cares? All the flowers I see are mine, they are tiny glitters of the Infinite Beauty of the Most Beautiful that caresses my vision.

The colourful fish in the pictures taken at the bottom of oceans where I have never been, those too are all mine, are created for me. 

What if the baby who dies in Syria isn't born of me? If he too bleeds my heart, he is my baby. He is created for me so that I may spite injustice and that I may pray for the oppressed.

What if the most delicious foods aren't passing through my throat? If the taste my loved ones get out of them delight me, those foods are mine. They have been created for me to remember the All-Provider.

Who cares if it is my friend and not me who makes the prettiest cake? If I can observe the beauty, art and taste of the cake, my Sustainer Lord has gifted this cake to me. It has created it for me. So that I may see the abilities given to humankind and be filled with loving admiration of my Sustainer Lord.

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