
Friday, February 8, 2013

Ruhu ne doyurur? What satisfies the soul?

Karsilikli asktan guzel ne olabilir? Hele ki bu, sonsuz sevgi ve merhametini bize her an sunan Wadud (seven ve sefkat eden)'un askina verilen karsilik ise. Ruhu bu sevgiden baska ne doyurabilir gercek anlamda? Dans partileri mi? Pahali arabalar mi? Kocaman evler mi? Yatlar mi? Cinsel hazzin dorugu mu? Dunya turuna cikmak mi? Parayla satin alinabilecek (kopuklu jakuzi keyfi haric ;) ) herhangi bir sey mi? Arkadaslarinla sehir disi gece klubu gezilerine cikmak mi? Diplomalar ya da is teklifleri mi? Kariyerinde bir basamak daha ileri olmak mi? Her gun bir baska partiye davetli olmak mi? Istedigin her erkek ya da kadina sahip olabilmek mi? Ne doyurur ki ruhu gercek anlamda?

Ruhu "Hu" "Hu" diye zikretmek doyurur. Sifa veren doktor ya da aldigim ilaclar degil, "Hu"(O)dur. Beni hapsirtan kara biber degil, "Hu"dur. Yumusak olan yun battaniyem degil, "Hu"dur. Tatli oyuncu olan kedim degil, "Hu"dur. Aciya katlanma sabri benden degil, "Hu"dandir. Zulmu sevmeyen ben degil, "Hu"dur. Haksizliga isyan eden vicdanim degil, "Hu"dur. Hindistan cevizli hurmadan lezzet alan dilim degil, "Hu"dur. Yuruyen bacaklarim degil, "Hu"dur. Yemegi pisiren ben veya ocak degil, "Hu"dur. Bu sozcukleri yazan aklim degil, "Hu"dur.

Her seyi arindirip ilahlik kisvelerinden, la ilaha (ilah yoktur) diyerek ve her seyden "Hu"ya irtibat kurup, illa Allah (Allah'tan baska) diyerek, hayatimin her aninda, her yerde, her hareketimde, her gozlemimde Sevgili'yi hatirlayarak "Hu" "Hu" diye zikretmek, Sevgili'nin adini zikrettikce O'na olan askinin ve rabitanin arttigini hissetmek doyurur insan ruhunu. Oyle ki muptelasi olur, sorar durursunuz, ruhum acikti, ruhum Sevgili'nin adini anmaya muhtac, ne zaman tekrar kardeslerimle bir araya gelip hep beraber zikir nidalarimizi yukseltecegiz gok yuzune ya da caminin kubbesine, diye. Sevgili'ye kavusmanin numunesinden aldigim hazzi ne zaman tekrar alabilecegim diye iple ceker olursunuz yeniden zikre gitmeyi. Dilin zikreder, aklin tefekkur ederken, kalbinin yumusadigini hissetmeyi.

Ve umulur ki, Rahman (tum canlilara merhamet eden) ve Mumit (olumu yaratan)'in lutfuyla, bir gun bu ask piser olgunlasir ve Sevgili'ye kavusmak icin olum ucagina binmeye hazir oluruz.


What can be more beautiful than reciprocal love? Especially if this is the reciprocation to the love of the Wadud (the One who loves and has compassion) who offers us Its infinite love and compassion at every moment. What other than this love could truly satisfy the soul? ..(translation upcoming)....What does really satisfy the soul?

What satisfies the soul is to remember and invoke (dhikr) "Hu" "Hu". The medications I take are not what heal me, nor the doctor, it is "Hu" (It personable or He gender-free). What makes me sneeze is not the black pepper, it is "Hu". It's not my fleece blanket that is soft, it is "Hu". The cute player is not my cat, it is "Hu". The patience to endure pain is not from me, it is from "Hu". I am not the one who doesn't love oppression, it is "Hu". It is not my conscience revolting against injustice, it is "Hu". It is not my tongue that takes pleasure from coconut covered dates, it is "Hu". My legs aren't walking, it is from "Hu". I'm not the one cooking the food, nor the stove, it is "Hu". My mind isn't writing these words, it is "Hu". 

To purify all from deifying garments by saying "la ilaha" (there is no deity) and to connect all to "Hu" by saying "illallah" (save God), to remember the Beloved at every moment of my life, every where, in every action, in every observation and to invoke "Hu" "Hu", to feel your love and connection to It increasing the more you invoke the name of the Beloved is what satisfies the soul. To the point you'll become addicted to it and will keep asking, my soul is hungry, my soul is in need of invoking the name of the Beloved, when will I come together with my brothers and sisters for our exclamations to reach the sky or the dome of the mosque? You'll be counting days until you go to dhikr again and taste the pleasure of the sample of meeting the Beloved. To feel your heart softening while your tongue invokes and your mind contemplates. 

And one hopes, with the beneficence of the Rahman (the One who shows compassion to all living things) and the Mumit (the Creator of death), one day this love will mature and we will be ready to mount the plane of death in order to unite with the Beloved. 

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