
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Praise and thanks to the Creator of every sip of sweet water that runs through every throat...

Praise and thanks to the Creator of every sip of sweet water that runs through every throat...

67:30 (Asad) Say [unto those who deny the truth]: "What do you think? If of a sudden all your water were to vanish underground, who [but God] could provide you with water from [new] unsullied springs?"


56:68-70 (Asad) Have you ever considered the water which you drink?
Is it you who cause it to come down from the clouds - or are We the cause of its coming down?
[It comes down sweet - but] were it Our will, We could make it burningly salty and bitter: why, then, do you not give thanks [unto Us]?

Note: For the interpretations of the usage of "We" in the Qur'an

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