
Monday, February 24, 2014

Sevginin gucu = The Power of Love

7:156 "warahmatee wasiAAat kulla shayin" => "Rahmetim ise her seyi kusatmistir" => "My grace overspreads everything"
40:7 "rabbanawasiAAta kulla shayin rahmatan waAAilman" => "Rabbimiz, rahmet ve ilim bakimindan her seyi kusatip-sardin" => “O our Sustainer! Thou embracest all things within [Thy] grace and knowledge"

ayetlerine gore icinde sevgi ve sefkati barindiran Rahmet kainatin mayasidir. biz de o Rahmet'i parlak bir ayna gibi yansittigimizda arkamiza guclerin en yucesi Kadir olani almis oluruz inshaallah.

according to the verses above from the Qur'an, Rahmet (grace, mercy) which encompasses love and compassion is the dough of the bread of the universe. When we reflect the Divine Grace like a bright mirror, we are backed by the greatest of all powers, God al-Qaadir, the All-Powerful, by the will of God.

"Sevginin gücü, güce olan sevgiyi yendiğinde, dünya barışı tanıyacaktır." (Sri Chinmoy Ghose)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace" (Sri Chinmoy Ghose)

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