
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Why, then, do you not accept the truth?

Chapter of Al-Waqi'a (The Event)

56:57 (Asad) WE who have created you, [O men:] why, then, do you not accept the truth?
56:58 (Asad) Have you ever considered that [seed] which you emit?
56:59 (Asad) Is it you who create it - or are We the source of its creation?
56:60 (Asad) We have [indeed] decreed that death shall be [ever-present] among you: but there is nothing to prevent Us 
56:61 (Asad) from changing the nature of your existence and bringing you into being [anew] in a manner [as yet] unknown to you.
56:62 (Asad) And [since] you are indeed aware of the [miracle of your] coming into being in the first instance - why, then, do you not bethink yourselves [of Us]?
56:63 (Asad) Have you ever considered the seed which you cast upon the soil?
56:64 (Asad) Is it you who cause it to grow - or are We the cause of its growth?

56:65 (Asad) [For,] were it Our will, We could indeed turn it into chaff, and you would be left to wonder [and to lament],

56:66 (Asad) “Verily, we are ruined!
56:67 (Asad) Nay, but we have been deprived [of our livelihood]!”
56:68 (Asad) Have you ever considered the water which you drink?
56:69 (Asad) Is it you who cause it to come down from the clouds - or are We the cause of its coming down?
56:70 (Asad) [It comes down sweet - but] were it Our will, We could make it burningly salty and bitter: why, then, do you not give thanks [unto Us]?
56:71 (Asad) Have you ever considered the fire which you kindle?
56:72 (Asad) Is it you who have brought into being the tree that serves as its fuel - or are We the cause of its coming into being?
56:73 (Asad) It is We who have made it a means to remind [you of Us], and a comfort for all who are lost and hungry in the wilderness [of their lives].
56:74 (Asad) Extol, then, the limitless glory of thy Sus­tainer’s mighty name!

For notes by translator refer to

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