Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mithat Körler - Beni Sensiz Bırakma - Don't leave me without you

Don't leave me without you

Undeceitful like the heart of a baby
I love you without reason or cause
My prayer every night before sleep
I wish you and me for a lifetime
Your name a poem on my tongue
Your eyes the most beautiful city I've seen
May love age with you in my heart
As though you've been with me for a thousand years
My place my home is in your arms
Don't leave me without you, not even for a moment
May love age with you in my heart
As though you've been with me for a thousand years
My place my home is in your arms
Don't leave me without you, not even for a moment
Undeceitful like the heart of a baby
I love you without reason or cause
My prayer every night before sleep
I wish you and me for a lifetime
Your name a poem on my tongue
Your eyes the most beautiful city I've seen
May love age with you in my heart
As though you've been with me for a thousand years
My place my home is in your arms
Don't leave me without you, not even for a moment
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native/native-like speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Beni Sensiz Bırakma

Bir bebeğin kalbi gibi yalansız
Nedensiz nasılsız seviyorum
Her gece uyumadan önce duam bu
Senle ben bir ömür diliyorum
Adın dilimde bir şiir
Gözlerin gördüğüm en güzel şehir
Seninle yıllansın aşk kalbimde
Sanki bin yıldır varsın benle
Yerim yurdum senin kollarında
Beni bir an bile sensiz bırakma
Seninle yıllansın aşk kalbimde
Sanki bin yıldır varsın benle
Yerim yurdum senin kollarında
Beni bir an bile sensiz bırakma
Bir bebeğin kalbi gibi yalansız
Nedensiz nasılsız seviyorum
Her gece uyumadan önce duam bu
Senle ben bir ömür diliyorum
Adın dilimde bir şiir
Gözlerin gördüğüm en güzel şehir
Seninle yıllansın aşk kalbimde
Sanki bin yıldır varsın benle
Yerim yurdum senin kollarında
Beni bir an bile sensiz bırakma

Ferdi Tayfur - Sevdalılar Beni Anlar - The Lovesick Understand Me

Lovesickness Understands Me

Addicted to your existence
Mad with your absence
Don't deprive me of you
I am crazy about your eyes
My love like high mountains
Volcanoes erupt within me
You wouldn't understand baby
The (those who are) lovesick understand me
Do I deserve being devastated
Burning every day in the flames of your love
What is it but tears
If I love you without you
What is it but agony
If I love you without you
My love like high mountains
Volcanoes erupt within me
You couldn't know my little
Lovers understand me
Lovers from the soul understand me
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native/native-like speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Sevdalılar Beni Anlar

Varlığının tiryakisi
Yokluğunun delisiyim
Beni senden mahrum etme
Gözlerinin hastasıyım
Sevgim yüce dağlar kadar
Içerimde volkan kaynar
Anlamazsın sen bebeğim
Sevdalılar beni anlar
Reva mıdır harap olmak
Aşkın ile her an yanmak
Gözyaşından başka nedir
Seni sevip sensiz olmak
Izdıraptan başka nedir
Seni sevip sensiz olmak
Sevgim yüce dağlar kadar
Içerimde volkan kaynar
Bilemezsin sen küçüğüm
Aşık olan beni anlar
Candan seven beni anlar

Grup Kızılırmak - Ah Sensiz - Alas without you

Alas without you

The sun has been sulky, shines no longer, alas without you
With your pretty eyes like an apricot, look at me
Sorrow has partnered me, I cannot come over it, alas without you
With your words sweeter than honey, smile at me
Thorns have surrounded my roses, I cannot gather them
Your hands more elegant than roses, offer them to me
My nights burn with yearning alas without you
Come forth my rose, become the blowing wind, come to me
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native/native-like speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Ah Sensiz

Güneş küsmüş şavkımıyor ah sensiz
Zerdali güzeli,gözlerinle bak bana
Keder eş oldu yenemiyorum ah sensiz
Baldan tatlı sözlerinle gül bana
Diken sarmış güllerimi deremiyorum
Gülden nazik ellerini uzat bana
Hasret yanar gecelerim ah sensiz
Davran gülüm esen yel ol gel bana

Yasemin Mori - Aslında Bir Konu Var - In fact there is an issue

In fact there is an issue...
Why can’t we talk about it?
Why are you always silent?
I am pretty, women are terrible!
Why won’t you laugh at this?
Why are you always unhappy?
When asked questions you say,
Why are you a child, why won’t you grow up?
I have no answers at hand!
What good would it be even if I had answers; you still wouldn’t turn your face towards me...

The taste always remains in my mouth,
Rusty like grapes, doesn’t go away when it‘s over!
It has both wounds and thorns!
It pokes me, it wounds me too,
It hurts my mornings...

There are some people, there are some
Some are drunk again!
Some are summer some are winter
Some come before!
Some are open honest with us, some are regretful!
Some are very painful for us!
Some are very painful!
Some have brought much pain to us!
Some are aware, some haven’t realized!
Some are right, some are left, some haven’t realized!
S/he didn’t see it either!
And this was never enough for you...

The triangular planets, the legitimized murders
They hit him/her again, bam! to him/her again!
Rewind again, drunk again,
S/he's remained far from me again!
S/he didn’t leave me, didn’t abandon me and go away!

One side is tails, one side is heads,
And one side is left for me!
They’ve called to him/her so beautifully again...
Eyes wide open again, their eyes wide open!
Some have caused us much pain!
 Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

*************** Original lyrics from
aslında bir konu var..
neden konuşamayız?
neden hep suskunsun?
ben güzelim kadınlar berbat!
neden buna gülmezsin?
neden hep mutsuzsun?
sorular sorunca dersin ki,
neden çocuksun neden büyümezsin?
elimde cevabım yok!
olsa neye fayda, yüzün bana dönmez ki..

ağzımda hep tadı var,
üzüm gibi paslı bitince gitmez!
hem yarası hem dikeni var!
batırır beni de yaralar,
acıtır sabahlarımı..

birileri var birileri var
birileri yine sarhoş!
birileri yaz birileri kış
birileri önce!
birileri bize apaçık, birileri pişman!
birileri bize çok acı!
birileri çok acı!
birileri bize çok acı getirdiler!
birileri farkında birileri farketmedi!
birileri sağ birileri sol birileri farketmedi!
o da bunu görmedi!
bu da sana hiç yetmedi...

üçgen gezegenleri meşhur cinayetleri
yine onu vurdular yine ona bam!
yine geri sar, yine sarhoş
yine benden uzak kalmış!
beni terketmedi, beni bırakıp gitmedi!

bir yanı tura bir yanı yazı,
bir yanı da bana kalmış!
yine ona ne güzel seslendiler...
yine gözü apaçık, gözleri apaçık!
birileri bize çok acı çektirdiler!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hak serleri hayreyler / Truth (God) renders the bad good

Words full of wisdom by sufi poet and encyclopedist Erzurumlu Ibrahim Hakki in simple words and concise and eloquent verses.
Offering us strong remedies against the angst of future and existence, as well as against all calamities, if one can only live, think and feel by these principles.İbrahim_Hakkı_Erzurumi

Here is my attempt at translating the best known stanza:

Truth (God) renders the bad good
Don't assume It (God) would render it (the bad things we were made not to like) any other way
The enlightened one watches it (happen)
Let's see what the Companion (Guardian, Sustainer) makes
What ever It makes, It renders it beautiful 


Hak serleri hayreyler
Zannetme ki gayreyler
Arif ani seyreyler
Mevla gorelim neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler


Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Allah'in vatandaslari / Citizens of God

Keske hepimiz, devletin beyin yikamasina, dayatmasina karsi cikabilsek; keske hepimiz devlet sinirlarini asabilsek; keske hepimiz baska kabileden etnik kokenden insanlarin kimliklerini degistirmeye, onlarin kimliklerini dunya savasindan sonra bir kac devlet adaminin siyasi emellerle cizdigi ulke sinirlariyla belirlemeye calismasak; bayrak, vatan, millet, devlet kavramlarinin icinin boslugunu gorebilsek; hepimizin ayni dunyanin vatandasi, ayni Yaraticinin cesit cesit dil, renk ve etknik kokenle yaratilmis kullari oldugumuzu gorebilsek. InshaAllah bir gun savaslarin ve zulmun anasi olan irkci ve milliyetci, "benim milletim daha kiymetli, daha ustun"cu, "baska milletten olanlarin benimki kadar hakki yok"cu anlayisi zihinlerimizden kaziyabilsek. Bu toprak benim sen giremezsin, demesek. Sinirlarin, vizelerin, pasportlarin yersizligini ve zararini gorebilsek. Tum yeryuzunun insanlara, milletlere degil, sadece Allah'a ait oldugunu hatirlayabilsek. Yeryuzunde gezerken "ardullahu wasi'aa" "allah'in yeryuzusu genistir" bilinciyle gezebilsek. "Istanbul'dan en uzak sehir" neresidir diyince, Agri (ya da Turkiye'de herhangi bir sehir) demeyip de Dunya capinda dusunebilsek. InshaAllah bir gun hepimiz, bir kac politikacinin tanimladigi bir devletin vatandasi olarak degil de, Allah'in dunyadaki vatandas ve kullari olma bilinciyle yasayabiliriz. InshaAllah... belki o zaman daha bariscil bir insan irki olabiliriz.
I wish we could all object the brain washing and the imposing of the states; I wish we could all think beyond the state borders; I wish we didn't attempt to change the identities of people who are from other tribes or ethnic backgrounds, that we didn't attempt to identify them by the borders of countries drawn by a few politicians with political ambitions; I wish we could see the emptiness of concepts like flag, homeland, nation, state; I wish we could all see that we are citizens of the same world, we are all worshipers created with a variety of tongues, colors and ethnicities by the same Creator. God willing, one day, I wish we could eradicate from our minds the mother of wars and cruelty, the racist and nationalist understanding that dictates "my nation is greater than others", "people of other nations aren't entitled to as many rights as mine". I wish we didn't say "this land belongs to me, you may not enter". I wish we could see the needlessness and the harm of borders, visas, passports. I wish we could remember that the entire earth doesn't belong to individuals or nations, but instead, it belongs to its Creator. I wish we could travel the earth with the consciousness that "God's earth is wide" ("ardullahu wasi'aa" from the Qur'an). When asked "What's the furthest city from New York?" I wish we wouldn't answer "Los Angeles" (or some other city in the USA) but instead I wish we could think in terms of the whole world. God willing, one day, we can live with the consciousness of being the citizens and worshipers of God on Earth, rather than the citizens of a country identified by a few politicians. We pray that God wills this... perhaps then, we could become a more peaceful human race.