Wednesday, December 20, 2017

"Erkek egemenligin tarihi" ve "dertli olmak / sorumluluklarimiz"

Az once erkek egemenlik nereden cikti diye bir arkadasimla konusuyordum. Bu arada asagida da gorulebilecegi gibi universite sonrasinda antropolojiyle tanistigimdan beri avci toplayicilarla takintim var :)

Bir cok -izm gibi feminizm de hakli sorunlara parmak basarken haksiz artniyetler besliyor diye dusunuyorum, kadini erkekten daha ucuz isci yapmak ve isci sayisini ikiye katlayarak erkeklerin de maaslarini dusurmek artniyeti var gibi geliyor, endustri devrimi sonrasinda. Yoksa feminist elestirilerde adalet arayisi elbette hakli.

Kazakistan'da kadina aile ici siddet orani %90. Misir'da kadina taciz orani %90. ABD'de tecavuze ugrayan ortaokul, lise ogrencisi kiz cocuklari orani %20, taciz orani %80, erkek cocuklarinda %10, vs... bu rakamlar dudak ucuklatici. Peki insanlik olarak bu hale nasil geldik?

<<~200bin yillik homo sapiens tarihinde avci toplayici kabilelerde gordugum kadariyla yasli/genc, kadin/erkek vs esdegerlik ve bariscillik (dusuk suc orani gibi) soz konusu (esitlik demiyroum, esdegerlik diyorum, cunku herkesin sorumluluk ve aktiviteleri net ve ayrik bir sekilde tanimlanmis).

Anladigim kadariyla tarihte 10bin yil once tarimin ilk defa cikmaya basladigi donemlerde bitkilerle birlikte hayvanlarin da evcillestirilmesiyle gocebe hayvancilik dunyada var olan birkac lokal tarim medeniyeti haric (oncelikle Misir ve Mezopotamya, sonraki bin yillarda ise Hint, Cin, Kore, Japon, Aztek, Maya, Roma, vs.) insanligin kalan cogunlugu icin giderek en yaygin mod haline geliyor (neolitik tarim cevreyi, topragi, cesitliligi oldurdugu icin avcilik giderek surdurulebilirlik acisindan zorlasiyor).

Gocebe hayvancilikta erkegin rolu avciliktan cobanliga donusuyor. Avcilikta hem vahsi durtulerini guvenli bir sekilde ifade edebilen, hem de gunde ortalama birkac saat avciliga yettigi icin kabilenin diger (su tasima, odun kirma, ates yakma -o zaman zippo yok tabi-, gibi) agir islerine yetisebilen erkek, coban olunca vahsetini kadina ve cocuga, yahut kendisinden zayif erkege zulme donusturuyor ve coban tum gunu koyunlarla yatarak gecirdiginden kabilenin tum agir isleri kadina kaliyor. Ayrica et proteinin yerini sut ve urunleri alinca, onceden protein kaynagi olarak hayvani pisiren erkekken, ve kadin sadece karbonhidrat kaynagi sebze/meyve/ot dograma/pisirme yaparken, simdi protein kaynagi yogurdu, peyniri, yagi yapan da yine kadin oluyor. Dahasi tum bunlar da yetmeyince tarim toplumlarina hali, comlek vs uretmek zorunda kalan da yine kadin oluyor, erkegin bunlari satip karsiliginda tarim urunlerini satin alabilmesi icin.

Kadinlar boylece kabilenin koleleri durumuna dusunce ilk defa gocebe hayvanci kabilelerinde kadina ve cocuga siddet gozlemleniyor. Aksam cadirda dayak yemek, aile ici siddet, evlilik hayatinin bir normu haline geliyor.

Tarim toplumunda kadin/erkek esitsizligine bir de sosyal sinif farki ekleniyor. Endustriyel kurede de aile ici siddet ve sosyal sinif farkinin yani sira, somurge milletler kavrami da ortaya cikiyor. 1. sinif denilen ulkeler 2. ve 3. sinif ulkeleri topyekun (para denilen degeri belirsiz kavramin manipulasyonu ve savas teknolojileri vs sayesinde) somuruyorlar.

Yani son 10bin yilda dunya capinda ivmeyle artan zulum grafiginin yalnizca bir parcasi aslinda erkek egemenlik yahut kadina siddet ve baski.

Avcilik yapamayan erkegin vahsi yonunun "terbiye"ye ihtiyaci var, bunu da ya gunumuz medeniyeti erkegi efeminelestirerek metroseksuel gentilmen erkek modeli seklinde terbiye ediyor, ya da vahiy gelenegi nefis tezkiyesi altinda erkegi (kadini da tabii ki) terbiye ediyor.

Kurban bayraminda kurban kesilmesinin cok mana ve hikmetlerinden yalnizca biri olarak da erkegin kan akitma ihtiyaci olabilecegini dusunuyorum, gerci artik internetten siparisle kurban veriyoruz bir cogumuz, bahsettigim milletler arasi esitsizlikten dolayi.

Saglikli kadin-erkek iliskileri icin, cocuk egitimi icin, yasam tarzi icin, diyet, egzersiz ve medikal pratikler icin, toplumun sosyoekonomik duzeni icin, vs avci toplayici medeniyetlerinden, insanlik olarak ortak atalarimizdan ders almali ve cikardigimiz dersleri icinde bulundugumuz endustri sonrasi bilgisayar cagina adapte etmeliyiz diye dusunuyorum.

Tarim toplumlarinin medeniyetleri ve tarim toplumlari icinde de ozellikle bilinmeyen ve bildigim tek bariscil devrimi gerceklestirmis olan Muhammed asm ve arkasindan gelen 4 emirin medeniyeti de (islam medeniyeti demiyorum cunku 30 yil kadar suren bu surecten sonra Emevilerle beraber yaygin tarim medeniyeti yeniden hortluyor, uzerine "yesil" bir boya ile, Muhammad asm'in getirdigi devrimsel unsurlarin cogu devamlilik gosteremiyor, bunu da sonradan musluman olan toplumlarin kafa yapisinin hala tarim sistemi icinde calismasina bagliyorum), avci toplayici medeniyetler gibi calisilmali ve hepsinin ideal unsurlari gunumuz global zulum ve somuru medeniyetine mezcedilmeli.

Gunumuz teknolojisinin avantajindan, ancak bu sekilde bu medeniyetin dezavantajlarindan arindirarak faydalanabiliriz.>>

Peki tum bunlari dert edinmeli miyiz? Oyleyse neden?

<<"Insanlar bir vucudun azasi gibidirler" manasina gelen bir hadis var sanirim. Aslinda kendimi evrenin ya da insanligin butununden, butuncullugunden ayiramam. Her birimiz ayni havayi soluyoruz, aslinda iciceyiz, her ne kadar egomuzun bir "ben"lik algisi olsa da, "ben" maddeten dahi nerede baslayip nerede bittigimi kesin cizgilerle ifade edemem. Yedigim maydanoz bogazimdan gecerken maydanoz mudur ben midir? Kucagimdaki kediyle ayni havayi soludugumuzda kedi, ben, hava nerede baslar, nerede biter? (Bu nokta I Heart Huckabees filminde de aciklayici bir sekilde islenmis ;) )

Kendimi iyilestirmeye ve dunyayi iyilestirmeye cabalamak icin bana fitratimda konulmus adalet ve baris saiki aslinda ayni ve bir. Benim icin dogru olan insanlik icin, evren icin dogru olandir ve vice versa. Gunluk hayatimdaki en basit gorunen tercihlerimi dahi degerlendirebilmek icin insanligin hatta varligin butununu goz onunde bulundurmak zorundayim. Kendime sikca su soruyu sormaya calisiyorum: eger dunyadaki herkes bunu yapsaydi bu, dunya icin daha mi iyi olurdu daha mi kotu? Bunu ideallerimi belirlemedeki kistasim yapmaya cabaliyorum.

Eger "ben"i, "ailem"i, "milletim"i, hatta "gunumuz"u vs bu holistik evrenden (zaman ve gayb boyutlari da dahil olmak uzere) kopararak dusunursek saglikli, realiteyle bagdasan sonuclara ulasilabilecegini sanmiyorum. Ustelik "ego"ist bir noktadan yaklastigimizda kalbimizin, ruhumuzun, vicdanimizin insani temel degerleri haykirislarina kulak tikayip, nefsimizin, ruhumuzu tatmin etmeyen, aksine bogan heva ve heveslerine kole olmamizin riski yuksek.

Sorumluluklarimizi da bize verilen yetenekler, bilgi, vs ve bana verilen arzular ekseninde dusunmeye calisiyorum. Eger bize merhamet, sevgi, adalet, hikmet, baris, vs ve bunlarin evrende hakim olmasi sevdirildiyse, insaniyetimizle celismemek icin tum yetilerimizi imkanimizca bu amac dogrultusunda kullanmaya niyet etmeli ve caba gostermeliyiz (yani dua hali) diye dusunuyorum.

Ustelik "eger dunyadaki herkes bunu yapsaydi bu, dunya icin daha mi iyi olurdu daha mi kotu?" dusturunca, herkes ya da en azindan insanlarin cogunlugu, kendi imkanlari nispetince tum insanligi dert edinerek baris ve adaleti tesis icin bir niyet ve caba (dua*) icine girse bambaska bir dunya bizi bekleyebilir. Yeter ki Iblis (Seytan'in umitsiz anlamina gelen lakabi) gibi umudumuzu kaybetmeyelim, evrendeki tum guzelliklerin Mutlak sahibi ve kaynaginin, biz insanlar istersek, avci toplayici zamaninda oldugu gibi, hatta daha da guzel bir dunya Yaratacagina da inanalim, emin olalim. Bu anlamda egitim gormus, farkindalik sahibi insanlar olarak, cehalete terkedilmis cogunluga isik tutma sorumlulugu bizlere daha cok dusuyor.

*: Dua etmekten anladigim, esmaul husnayi sahibinden istemek, tasiyici meleklerini cagirmaktir. Evimin guzel olmasini istedigimde, bunun icin gosterdigim niyet ve cabalar (yani dua) guzelligi, cemali, Jameel'den (guzelligin Mutlak sahip ve kaynagindan) istemek, Jameel ismini tasiyan melekleri evime cagirmaktir. >>

...seklinde nacizane goruslerim var. Siz ne dersiniz merak ederim. Yorumlarinizi paylasmaniz, yanlis bildigim noktalar varsa duzeltmeniz umidiyle :)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Her okunusu ayri bir inzal...

Demin ayni ayeti 3 farkli kisiden dinliyordum da sunu farkettim... "Taghanni" tecvidin ilk kurallarindan biri, yani Kur'an okunurken kitap okunur gibi bir tonlama ile degil de muzikli okunmasi. Lakin Allah'in hikmetine bak ki, notalar verilmemis yalnizca uzunluklari verilmis onda da esneklik, alternatifler, farkli kiraatler vs var. Mesela bakiyorsun hristiyan ilahilerini topluca okuyabiliyorlar, cunku hepsinin notalari var ve o yuzden church choirs -kilise korolari- var. Lakin camide topluca in unison okunabilen ancak bazi zikirler, salavat vs var. Bu nedenle her Kur'an okundugunda her kisi birbirinden farkli ve her kisi de kendisi her okudugunda farkli bir muzik ile okuyor Kur'an'i (kayittan dinlemek haric). Her okunusu ayri unique kendine ozel. Her okunusu ayri bir inzal... Tekrari yok cunku canli ve Qur'an yasiyor ve bu sekilde okunan baska bir kitap daha ben duymadim... Ve gariptir ki bunu ilk defa dusundum, insan icinde oldugu seyi goremiyor ya, ancak baskalarinin gozunden bakinca farketmeye basliyor, bu da gezip gormenin hikmetlerinden biri olsa gerek :)

ayetleri dinledigim site:

My understanding of Islamic scholar Nursi's ontological and theodicean views in laymen terms: a quick summary

We can perceive the material aspect of the flower as in we see its petals, colors and designs, we can smell it, measure its size, and gaze at its cells under a microscope, etc. On the other hand, we can also feel the flower's beauty and humanity as a whole agrees that we humans feel the flowers are beautiful. Other animals may be indifferent or they may beg to differ. While a bee or a hummingbird might find a flower attractive, a dung beetle may rather feel the dung is beautiful. Both the material and the angelic aspects of the flower can be consciously perceived and felt by humans and at such depth and variety, by humans alone. As I walk in a botanic garden in Seattle, I see people from all around the world, gazing, holding, pointing at flowers, smiling and telling each other how pretty and gorgeous they are in their own respective languages.

Existence is comprised of two aspects like the two sides of a coin, the matter that can be likened to the hardware of a computer and the spiritual/angelic aspect which can be likened to the software of a computer. The matter is the aspect that we perceive with our five senses or our material tools like a microscope, etc. The spiritual/angelic aspect is the aspect that we feel, and this feeling is generally speaking universal among humans regardless of time, space and culture and in its widest range felt only by humans and not other creatures (at least as far as we can know or we can materially perceive). 

We feel the flower's beauty, however can find no source within the flower or ourselves, or for that matter anywhere else in the universe that we and the flower are connected to, that could possibly be the cause of the flower appearing beautiful to us. Yet we feel it, therefore it exists. It exists, therefore its existence has to have been chosen over its nonexistence and choice infers a conscious will. We are the only creatures in the universe that we know of that have conscious will, yet we never have the ability to choose the existence over the nonexistence or the nonexistence over the existence of any material thing at all. Certainly, we humans have not created as much as a single flower. There must be a Conscious Will (one but not many because of the holistic interconnected wholeness of this magnificent, amazingly complex and flawless universe) that is not a part of this universe--a collection of existence whose existences are probable and contingent--and whose existence must be essential unlike the universe, that has chosen the existences of the flower, its colors, its beauty and me, my perception, my feeling and my conscious awareness of all this, over their nonexistence. One whose existence is essential and who is beyond the universe must be Absolute. Thus the beauty belongs not to the flower but to the Creator of the flower, not to the sunset, but the Creator of the sunset, not to the artist but the Creator of the artist and her art. "The Beautiful One" "al-Jameel" is a Divine Attribute denoting that the Creator is the Absolute Source and Owner of Beauty. 

The attribute of "the Beautiful One" manifests at various degrees at various instances of the universe (uniquely in every point along the time and space dimensions): poetry is more beautiful than gibberish, love is more beautiful than hate, flowers are more beautiful than dung, some people are more beautiful than others, etc... The attribute of "the Healer" manifests at various degrees at various instances too: my nose may be sick enough not to be able to smell but healthy enough to breath and have intact skin, etc. Each thing in the universe can be described as a vector in an infinite dimensional system where each dimension represents a unique Divine Attribute. 

The material aspect can be likened to drops of water where the sun shines or mirrors where the images reflect at various degrees of clarity, in that the material is the embodiment of the manifestation of the Beautiful Divine Attributes of Perfection at different degrees of each attribute, while the spiritual/angelic aspect is the vessel of the Divine Attributes that we can feel. Our souls are our conscious awareness aspects and becomes aware that our hearts feel the beauty, the angelic aspect of the flower. Our souls are also capable of using our free will, given sufficient intention and struggle against our egos who automatically take over our free will when we're in a state of reduced conscious awareness, a state of heedlessness or when we intend and struggle against our conscience. 

lahul asmaa ul husna to the Divine does all the beautiful attributes belong

In fact, it is this capacity of appreciation of both aspects of the universe as well as the innate desire to gaze at and seek infinitely higher degrees of the manifestation of all the Beautiful Divine Attributes, that has driven humans to observe and study the universe in their own ways both scientifically and according to other principles or none, to understand and discover its intricacies, to build, invent, create arts, artifacts, edifices, buildings, technologies, as well as work hard in a dedicated manner to polish and demonstrate each of their unique talents.

"Existence is pure good and nonexistence is pure evil." 

Since existence is the manifestation of all the Beautiful Attributes at various degrees, the more the attributes manifest the more we love and desire them. The more justice, life, health, beauty, wisdom, knowledge, etc there is the more our soul desires it. And we yearn for these manifestations at their utmost degrees to last eternally, to be nonephemeral. Yet everything in our lifetime, including our various selves (as a baby, child, teenager, adult, etc), is transient. The flowing drops of water where we like to see the sunshine keep flowing leaving their place to yet another drop of water, another reflection of the sun urging us to look up to the Sun. Similarly to the metaphor, the transience of all that we love in this lifetime urges us to look at the One True Source of all the qualities we love, the Divine Conscious Will, the Creator. On the other hand, we can only be aware of our perception and feeling of the Divine Attributes because they reflect at various degrees. It's because different shades of light and darkness exist that we realize that we can perceive and feel the existence of light. It's because sickness exist that we realize there is health. We can appreciate orderliness and cleanliness because disorder and dirtiness exists. 

What is perceived as evil in this world is due to its transience, such as the death of a loved one, or the destruction of a loved object, or the loss of health and youth, etc and due to the variety of degrees in the reflection of the Beautiful Divine Attributes we yearn for in their eternal and absolute form, such as our outfit not being as pretty as someone else's (lesser reflection of the Beautiful) or injustice (lesser reflection of justice and mercy), etc. In both cases it is the lack of the existence of the clear manifestation of the Divine Attributes, not their presence that we perceive as evil. In both cases we are urged to recognize the attributes and find their Divine and Absolute Eternal Source which is what our souls truly desires and is in love with. We will hear the whispering of our soul if we do not avoid it, if we consciously shut off the voices of our egos and begin listening beyond. 

"The Creator wouldn't give the wanting if It didn't want to give." 

Our common desires as humans point to our innate programming, we are given those desires, we do not create our own desires towards the Eternal Absolute Beautiful Qualities. When we observe the beauty, compassion and generosity of the Creator in the universe, we can be certain that since It has given us this desire for eternal absolute beauty, It wants to fulfill our desire. We just have to listen to our soul instead of our egos who wants to whip us towards the nonexistence of the attributes, the ugly, the dirty, the ignorant, the evil, the unjust, the selfish, the merciless, etc and we have to prepare ourselves for the perception of the Divine qualities in their absolute form by practicing to "read" the attributes manifested all around us in the universe, including our very selves from every one of our aspects, body, mind, emotions, conscious awareness, talents, free will, etc, and also including all the events that we experience, observe or learn about. 

Just as a person who has no musical knowledge or talent may not be able to differentiate between a famous violinist and an average one or between the sound of a 100 dollars violin vs that of a million dollars violin but a person who has struggled hard with intent, dedication and tenacity will be able to differentiate the most minute differences, we too in order to appreciate and be the collocutor of the high manifestation of the Eternal Beautiful Qualities have to make use of our lifetime with the intent of this preparation. 
Qur'an, Chapter al-Baqara, the Cow, verse search 2:30-2:37

For a more detailed and professional approach to this matter plz see: