
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hak serleri hayreyler / Truth (God) renders the bad good

Words full of wisdom by sufi poet and encyclopedist Erzurumlu Ibrahim Hakki in simple words and concise and eloquent verses.
Offering us strong remedies against the angst of future and existence, as well as against all calamities, if one can only live, think and feel by these principles.İbrahim_Hakkı_Erzurumi

Here is my attempt at translating the best known stanza:

Truth (God) renders the bad good
Don't assume It (God) would render it (the bad things we were made not to like) any other way
The enlightened one watches it (happen)
Let's see what the Companion (Guardian, Sustainer) makes
What ever It makes, It renders it beautiful 


Hak serleri hayreyler
Zannetme ki gayreyler
Arif ani seyreyler
Mevla gorelim neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler


Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume


  1. God turns evil into nice
    Don't assume otherwise
    Wise watches with his eyes
    Let's observe Lord's artifacts
    In the best way He acts

    Belittle a soul not
    Break no one's heart
    Don't think you are always right
    Let's observe Lord's artifacts
    In the best way He acts

    Don't say why is this so
    Most proper it is, know
    See what the end will show
    Let's observe Lord's artifacts
    In the best way He acts

    by Sufi Master Ibrahim Hakki

  2. Thank you! (sorry I just saw your comment)
