
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Anti-nationalism&anti-military in hadith&Qur'an = Milliyetcilik&askerlik karsiti hadis ve ayet

by Prophet Muhammad: "He is not of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship (asabiyyah); and he is not of us who fights in the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not of us who dies in the cause of tribal partisanship" (Abu Da'ud, on the authority of Jubayr ibn Mut’im). When he was asked to explain the meaning of "tribal partisanship", the Prophet answered, "it means helping thine own people in an unjust cause" (ibid., on the authority of Wathilah ibn al-Asqa)

Tribal partisanship in modern times equates to nationalism and racism

anti-(nationalism & racism & tribalism) in the Qur'an:

28:15 (Asad) And [one day] he entered the city at a time when [most of] its people were [resting in their houses,] unaware of what was going on [in the streets]; [13] and there he encountered two men fighting with one another - one of his own people, [14] and the other of his enemies. And the one who belonged to his own people cried out to him for help against him who was of his enemies - whereupon Moses struck him down with his fist, and [thus] brought about his end. [But then] he said [to himself]: “This is of Satan’s doing! Verily, he is an open foe, leading [man] astray!” [15]
Note [13] Lit., "at a time of its people’s unawareness"
Note [14] I.e., of the Hebrews.
Note [15] In the present instance, verses 16-17 seem to indicate that it was the Israelite, and not the Egyptian, who had been in the wrong (cf. next note). Apparently, Moses had come to the assistance of the Israelite out of an instinctive sense of racial kinship without regard to the rights and wrongs of the case; but immediately afterwards he realized that he had committed a grave sin not only by killing, however inadvertently, an innocent person, but also by basing his action on a mere tribal - or, as would describe it today, racial or national - prejudice. Evidently, this is the purport of the above Quranic segment of the story of Moses. Its moral has been stressed and explained by the Prophet on many occasions: cf. his famous saying, "He is not of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship (asabiyyah); and he is not of us who fights in the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not of us who dies in the cause of tribal partisanship" (Abu Da'ud, on the authority of Jubayr ibn Mut’im). When he was asked to explain the meaning of "tribal partisanship", the Prophet answered, it means helping thine own people in an unjust cause" (ibid., on the authority of Wathilah ibn al-Asqa).
Regarding the reference to "Satan’s doing": The term shaytan ("satan") -derived from the verb shatana ("he was [or "became"] remote") -often denotes in the Qur'an a force or influence remote from, and opposed to, all that is true and good (Taj al-'Arus, Raghib): thus, for instance, in 2:14 it is used to describe the evil impulses (shayatin) within the hearts of "those who are bent on denying the truth". In its widest, abstract sense it denotes every "satanic force", i.e., every impulsion directed towards ends which are contrary to valid ethical postulates. (Notes by translator Leopold Weiss Muhammad Asad)

49:13 (Asad) O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, [15] and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. [16] Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware.
Note [15] I.e., "We have created every one of you out of a father and a mother" (Zamakhshari , Razi, Baydawi) - implying that this equality of biological origin is reflected in the equality of the human dignity common to all.
Note [16] I.e., know that all belong to one human family, without any inherent superiority of one over another (Zamakhshari ). This connects with the exhortation, in the preceding two verses, to respect and safeguard each other’s dignity. In other words, men’s evolution into "nations and tribes" is meant to foster rather than to diminish their mutual desire to understand and appreciate the essential human oneness underlying their outward differentiations; and, correspondingly, all racial, national or tribal prejudice (asabiyyah) is condemned - implicitly in the Qur’an, and most explicitly by the Prophet (see second half of note 15 on 28:15). In addition, speaking of people’s boasting of their national or tribal past, the Prophet said: "Behold, God has removed from you the arrogance of pagan ignorance (jahiliyyah) with its boast of ancestral glories. Man is but a God-conscious believer or an unfortunate sinner. All people are children of Adam, and Adam was created out of dust." (Fragment of a hadith quoted by Tirmidhi and Abu Da'ud, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah.) (Notes maybe found on )

This could be used as Khutbah material. 
Hadis; "Kavmiyyetcilik (yani milliyetcilik ve/ya irkcilik) yapan bizden degildir, kavmiyyetcilik ugruna savasan bizden degildir, kavmiyyetcilik ugruna olen de bizden degildir" (Ebu Davud'dan) "Kavmiyyetcilik"i aciklamasi istendiginde, peygamber (asm) cevap vermistir "adaletsiz bir amac ugruna kendi halkina yardim etmektir."

Hadis: "Aziz ve Celil olan Allah sizden câhiliyye devrinin kabalığını ve babalarla övünmeyi gidermiştir. Mü' min olan, takvâ sahibidir. Kâfir olan ise şakîdir. Siz, Âdem'in çocuklarısınız. Âdem de topraktan yaratılmıştır. Bazı adamlar, kavimleriyle övünmeyi terketsinler. Çünkü onlar cehennemin kömüründen bir kömürdürler, yahut onlar, Allah indinde burnu ile pislik yuvarlayan pislik böceğinden daha aşağıdırlar." (Ebû Dâvud, Edeb 120, hadis no: 5116)
yani Kurtleri oldururken olen Turkler "kavmiyyetcilik ugruna olen"ler olarak nitelendirilebileceklerinden, "sehit" olarak nitelendirilmeleri mumkun degildir. askerlik "kutsal bir gorev" degil, Muhammad (asm)in ve dahi insan vicdaninin ogretilerine taban tabana zit bir zalimliktir.

Ayrica bakiniz
"Irkçılık ve Milliyetçiliğe Dair Hadisler" icin:!topic/zahidan/FcHudK5C4hM
ve Kur'an 28:15 ve 49:13.

28:15 (Turkish) (Musa) Halkinin haberi olmadigi bir zamanda sehre girdi, orda kavga etmekte olan iki adam buldu; bu kendi taraftarlarindan, su da düsmanlarindan. Derken taraftarlarindan olan, düsmanlarindan olana karsi ondan yardim istedi. Bunun üzerine ona bir yumruk atti ve isini bitiriverdi. (Sonra da:) "Bu seytanin isindendir; o, gerçekten açikca saptirici bir düsmandir" dedi.

49:13 (Turkish) Ey insanlar, gerçekten, biz sizi bir erkek ve bir disiden yarattik ve birbirinizle tanismaniz için sizi halklar ve kabileler (seklinde) kildik. Süphesiz, Allah katinda sizin en üstün (kerim) olaniniz, (irk ya da soyca degil) takvaca en ileride olaninizdir. Süphesiz Allah, bilendir, haber alandir.

Bunlar bir hutbe veya konusma icin kullanilabilir.

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