
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Who or what can endow me with my breath every moment?=Bana nefesimi her an kim ya da ne bahshedebilir?

Inhale, exhale. Think of your breath every moment and the source of your breath. Who or what can endow me with my breath every moment? Me, nature, coincidences, my state, my nation, my country, flag, money, power, governing posts, carrier, fame? Or is it only and solely the Source of the entire universe? If so, than, it is only and solely the Source of the entire universe that deserves my worship and adoration. Think my ego, think, so that you may be convinced.

Nefes al, nefes ver. Her an nefesini ve nefesinin kaynagini dusun. Bana nefesimi her an kim ya da ne bahshedebilir? Ben mi, doga mi, tesadufler mi, devlet mi, millet mi, vatan, bayrak mi, para mi, guc mu, iktidar mi, makam mi, kariyer mi, sohret mi? Yoksa yalnizca ve yalnizca tum evrenin Kaynagi mi? O halde yalnizca ve yalnizca tum evrenin Kaynagi'dir tapinmama layik olan. Dusun nefsim, dusun ki ikna olasin.

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