There hasn't been anyone else, nor will there be
My door won't open unless it's you knocking
This fire burning inside me now
Don't assume it will ever come to an end
I ain't ashamed my rose, I'm a lunatic
My world has torn apart, I'm a wreck
I have wanted you so much, more than anything
I am smitten, I'm a wanderer
Why haven't you been mine
Why haven't you dressed these wounds of mine
I'm fed up of moving forward
Why don't you waylay and stop me
I'm leaving these lands
Let all the winds be yours
When you're away from me, you're in a dream
I wish one day you'll be ashamed
Years later one day, when you're old
When your silky hair goes gray
When you're strewed like dead leaves
You will be left all alone
Whereas I have loved you so much, so much
I had gathered all my flowers for you
Now my hands are empty, my heart drunken
Whereas I had hoped for so much
In my hand,
Drops of desire left from an old-time's love
Behind my back,
Shrieks of knee length muddy memories
I have torn apart and thrown away all
All that's left behind is me
And you inside me,
All the way deep in me...
Ne baþkasý oldu ne de olacak
Sen çalmazsan kapým açýlmayacak
Þimdi içimde yanan bu ateþ
Sanma ki bir son bulacak
Hiç utanmam gülüm divaneyim
Parçalanmýþ dünyam viraneyim
Seni her þeyden çok çok istedim
Vuruldum avareyim
Ne olurdu benim olsan
Þu yaralarýmý sarsan
Býktým artýk yol almaktan
Önüme çýkýp durdursan
Gidiyorum buralardan
Tüm rüzgarlar senin olsun
Benden ayrý rüyadasýn
Dilerim birgün utanýrsýn
Yýllar sonra bir gün yaþlandýðýnda
O ipek saçlarýn aðardýðýnda
Kuru yaprak gibi daðýldýðýnda
Kalýrsýn tek baþýna
Oysa seni ne çok ne çok sevmiþtim
Tüm çiçeklerimi sana dermiþtim
Þimdi ellerim boþ yüreðim sarhoþ
Oysa neler ümit etmiþtim
Eski bir aþktan kalma tutku damlacýklarý
Diz boyu balçýk hatýralarýn çýðlýðý var
Yýrtmýþ atmýþým her þeyi,
Bir ben kalmýþým ortada
Birde sen içimde,
Taa þuramda...
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume
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