Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wake up, o my eyes! Uyan ey gozlerim! Turkish to English translation

for the symphonic version w/ Kanun, ney (frequently used in sufi music), etc
for the version by Ahmet Ozhan
Sultan Murat's picture mounted on his Imperial signature

lyrics: Ottoman Sultan Murat the IIIrd (1546-1595) This is the prime time of the Ottoman Empire.
music: Santuri Ali Ufki Bey

Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan
Azrail'in kastı canadır, inan.
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Seherde uyanırlar cümle kuşlar
Dil-u dillerince tesbihe başlar
Tevhid eyler dağlar taşlar ağaçlar
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Semavatin kapularin acarlar
Mu'minlere rahmet suyun sacarlar
Seherde kalkana hulle bicerler
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Bu dünya fanidir, sakın aldanma
Mağrur olup tac-u tahta dayanma
Yedi iklim benim deyu güvenme
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Benim Murad kulun sucun affet
Sucum bagislayip gunahim ref'et
Resul'un sancagi dibinde hasret
Uyan ey gözlerim gafletten uyan!
Uyan uykusu çok gözlerim uyan

Translation of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stanzas from the rest is mine.

Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up
Azrael's (*) intent is the soul, believe me  (Know that the Angel of Death seeks your soul…)
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

All birds wake up before dawn
They start reciting God's names in their own tongues
Mountains, rocks and trees declare It's unity
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

They open the doors of the heavens
They sprinkle the water of Mercy upon believers
They cut out garments of Paradise for those waking up at dawn (*)
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

This world is transient, don't ever be deceived
Don't rely on the crown and throne in vanity 

Don't feel confident by saying "the seven climates are mine"
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

Forgive me, your mortal servant Murad
Excuse my offenses,abolish my misdeeds
Resurrect me under the Messenger's flag
Wake up, o my eyes, wake up from heedlessness
Wake up, o my very sleepy eyes, wake up

* Waking up at dawn refers to waking up for the morning prayer which ends before sunrise.
* Azrael=Angel of Death

Note: It is quite tragically ironic that this Sultan writes this poem upon apparently missing a morning prayer, giving the image to his people that he is a saint of God, but on the other hand seems quite content in sitting in his blood bathed throne after ascending to it by having his 5 younger brothers strangled with no apparent remorse for his murders and no repentance for his kingship acquired by murder.
There is no deity but God, there is no Sultan but God!
Not: Ne trajik bir celiskidir ki, guya bir sabah namazini kacirdigi icin pismanligindan boyle bir siir yazmis bir Sultan halkina kendini evliyaullah'mis gibi gosterirken, 5 kucuk kardesini bogdurtarak kanli tahtinda oturmaktan pek memnun gorunur, katilliginden hicbir pismanlik belirtisi sergilemez, ve katillikle elde edilmis saltanatindan tovbe etmez.
Ilah yoktur Allah'tan baska, Sultan yoktur Allah'tan baska!
La ilaha illAllah La Sultana illAllah!

Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Sordum Sari Cicege by Yunus Emre Turkish to English Translation

 The yellow flower is Yunus' muse and teaches him important lessons about life and death.

There are several covers of this song. Here are a couple:
by Burhan Cacan
by a symphonic orchestra

Sordum sarı çiçeğe
Annen baban var mıdır?
Çiçek der derviş baba,
Annen babam topraktır.
Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

......................................Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
......................................Evlat kardeş var mıdır?
......................................Çiçek der derviş baba,
......................................Evlat kardeş yapraktır.
......................................Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
......................................Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
Niçin boynun eğridir?
Çiçek der derviş baba,
Özüm Hakkâ doğrudur.
Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

......................................Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
......................................Niçin benzin sarıdır?
......................................Çiçek der derviş baba,
......................................Ölüm bize yakındır.
......................................Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
......................................Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
Size ölüm var mıdır?
Çiçek der derviş baba,
Ölümsüz yer var mıdır?
Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

......................................Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
......................................Sen kimin ümmetisin?
......................................Çiçek der derviş baba,
......................................Muhammed ümmetiyim.
......................................Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
......................................Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

Sordum sarı çiçeğe,
Sen beni bilir misin?
Çiçek der derviş baba,
Sen YUNUS değil misin?
Hak lâ ilahe illallah.
Allah lâ ilahe illallah.

......................................hep ona,
......................................hep o gözlerime yağan yağmur'a...)
Translations by me and a little bit of copying from the following websites:;wap2 (Latif Bolat came to IUB to perform btw)

I asked the yellow flower:
Do you have a mother and a father?
She replied: Father Dervish,
My mother and father is the Earth (soil).
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Do you have children or siblings?
She replied: Father Dervish,
My children and siblings are leaves.
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Why is your neck bowed?
She replied: Father Dervish,
My essence directs to the Truth (God)
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Why is your wan face yellow?
She replied: Father Dervish,
Death is close to us.
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Does death await you too?
She replied: Father Dervish,
Is anything immortal?
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Whose community is yours?
She replied: Father Dervish,
My community is that of Muhammad.**
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

I asked the yellow flower:
Do you know who I am?
She replied: Father Dervish,
Aren't you Yunus?
Truth is there is no deity but The One God.
Allah, there is no deity but The One God.

To It
always to it
always to the rain that pours unto my eyes...
Yunus Emre (1240?–1321?) was a Turkish poet and Sufi mystic. He has exercised immense influence on Turkish literature, from his own day until the present. Because Yunus Emre is, after Ahmet Yesevi and Sultan Veled, one of the first known Turkish poets to have composed works in the spoken Turkish of his own age and region rather than in Persian or Arabic, his diction remains very close to the popular speech of his contemporaries in Central and Western Anatolia.
for a reflection on what it means for the flower to be of the community of Muhammad:
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native(-like) speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume
Photo of Mevlevi (a branch of Sufis) dervishes whirling in meditation from:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cezayir / Algeria lyrics translation Turkish to English

Below are 3 different versions of the same folk song / türkü

Cezayir'in harmanları savrulur,
Savrulur da dört bir yana devrilir,
Algeria's harvest blows
Blows and tumbles to the four winds

cezayir anam canım cezayir./Sokakları mermer taşlı,/Güzelleri hilâl kaşlı Cezayir.

Algeria mom, my dear Algeria/ Its streets are from marble / The beauties crescent brow-ed, Algeria
Cezayir'in gemileri yağlanır, 
Yağlanır da dört bir yana sallanır.

Algeria's ships are greased
Greased and they rock all around

Cezayir anam,canım Cezayir./Sokakları mermer taşlı,/Güzelleri hilâl kaşlı Cezayir.

Algeria mom, my dear Algeria/ Its streets are from marble / The beauties crescent brow-ed, Algeria

Gemiler çürük tahta dayanmaz, 
Yiğitlere gaflet bastı uyanmaz, 

Rotten wood doesn't sustain ships
Drowsiness overcame, the braves won't wake up

Sokakları mermer taşlı,/Güzelleri hilâl kaşlı Cezayir. 

Algeria mom, my dear Algeria/ Its streets are from marble / The beauties crescent brow-ed, Algeria
Cezayir'i bir ikindi bastılar, 
Camilere çifte çanlar astılar,
Koç yiğitleri kurban diye kestiler.                                                   

One afternoon they attacked Algeria
They hanged double gongs on the mosques
They killed the braves like sacrifice

Sokakları mermer taşlı,/Güzelleri hilâl kaşlı Cezayir.

It's streets are from marble / The beauties crescent brow-ed, Algeria
Cezayir'in haber gelmez yolundan, 
İnzibatlar tutmuş yarin kolundan,

News don't come from the roads of Algeria
Armies hold back the beloved

Cezayir anam,canım Cezayir./Sokakları mermer taşlı,/Güzelleri hilâl kaşlı Cezayir.

Algeria mom, my dear Algeria/ Its streets are from marble / The beauties crescent brow-ed, Algeria


Cezayir'in harmanları savrulur
Savrulur da sağ yanına devrilir
Eller annem der de başım çevrilir

Algeria's harvest winnows
Winnows and tumbles
Strangers say mom and my head turns

Cezayir'in menekşesi top biter
Arasında eğlim eğlim ot biter
Bu ayrılık annem bize çok gider

Algeria's violet grows round
Among them curvy grass grows
This separation mom is unbearable

Cezayir'in yüksek olur evleri
İçindedir ağaları beyleri
Türkçe bilmez Arapçadır dilleri

Algeria's houses are tall
In them sirs and masters
They don't know Turkish Arabic is their language

Cezayir'in gemileri yağlanır
Yağlanır da iskeleye bağlanır
Eller annem der yüreğim dağlanır

Algeria's ships are greased
Greased and docked
Strangers say mom and my heart burns

Cezayir'in harmanları savrulur
Savrulur da sol yanına devrilir
Sarı buğday samanından ayrılır

Algeria's harvest winnows
Winnows and tumbles
Yellow wheat separates from its hay

Gemilere çürük tahta dayanmaz
Yiğitlere gaflet bastı uyanmaz
Aman Allah buna canlar dayanmaz
Rotten wood doesn't sustain ships
Drowsiness overcame, the braves won't wake up
Oh my God souls can't endure this pain

Sokakları mermer taşlı
Güzelleri hilal kaşlı Cezayir
Its streets are from marble
Its beauties are crescent brow-ed, Algeria

Cezayir'i bir ikindi bastılar
Camilere çifte çanlar astılar
Yiğitleri kurban diye kestiler

One afternoon they attacked Algeria
They hanged double gongs on the mosques
They killed the braves like sacrifice
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume.
Comments on translation quality are welcome.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

ruhuma ilac/my spiritual remedy

ALhamdulillah ilac gibi geldi. Rahmetullahu wasiat kullu shay' (God's Mercy encompasses everything) Alhamdulillah (Thanks and praises to God).

Ey burnu kanasa hemen kadere küsüp yüzünü ekşiten.Gülden hiç ders almıyor musun?Bütün yaprakları tek tek yolsan gül yine de gülmekten vazgeçmez.Hale razı oluş şükürdür.Gül de daimi bir şükür makamındadır.Hem bilmez misin ki başına gelen sıkıntılar aslında daha büyük bir sıkıntıya set olur da başındaki belayı def ederler.O halde yüzün gülsün..

Hz. Mevlana
my translation attempt:

O those who sulk and get angry at their fate if their nose bleeds. Don't you learn from the rose? The rose does not stop laughing even if you tear off its leaves one by one. To be content of one's state is thankfulness. The rose is in a constant state of thankfulness. And don't you know that the difficulties that you encounter in life obstruct greater difficulties and repulses disasters awaiting you. So let your face be smiling...
Mowlana Jalāl ad-Dīn Rūmī (13th cen poet, theologian, Sufi mystic)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Badem - Kara Degil mi? Isn't that black? Turkish to English

Kara degil mi?

bana kara diyen dilber
gozlerin kara degil mi
yuzunu sevdiren gelin
kaslarin kara degil mi

beni kara diye yerme                                                                      
mevla'm yaratmis, hor gorme                                                                
ala goze siyah surme cekilir,
kara degil mi?

hint'ten, yemen'den cekilir
iner bagdad'a dokulur
turlu taama ekilir
biber de kara degil mi

illerde konup gocerler
lale sunbulu bicerler
agalar, beyler icerler
kahve de kara degil mi

Karac'oglan der, insallah
gorenler desin masallah
kara donlu beytullah
ortusu kara degil mi
Isn't that black?

Charming lady who calls me black
Aren't your eyes black
Pretty faced bride
Aren't your brows black?

Don't condemn me for being black
My Lord created, don't despise me
The eyeliner that adorns the hazel eye
Isn't that black?

It's grinded in India and Yemen
Poured upon Baghdad
Sprinkled on a variety of food
Isn't pepper black too?

Camp in foreign lands and migrate
Harvest tulip and grains
Lords and sires drink it
Isn't coffee black too?

Karac'oglan (Black Boy) says God willing
Those who see should say praise God
God's house Kaaba covered in black
Isn't its garment black too?
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume.
Comments on translation quality are welcome.
The poet is Karacaoğlan. He is a 17th century Turkish folk poet and ashik.ğlan
Badem is a Turkish group who made this into a song.
The song has a humorous style to it.
Kaaba is a temple built by Prophet Abraham (pbuh) (claimed by some to have been initially built by Prophet Adam (pbuh)) and is in Makka--a holy pilgrimage site. Muslims around the world face the direction of Kaaba when they're performing the 5 daily prayers.
Picture: muslims praying around the Kaaba

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Grup Yeniçağ - Ya Hayy - Turkish to English translation

Bir gece kanatlandım 
Yükseldim semalara 
Anladım ve gördüm ki 
Her şeyde tek bir imza 
Ya Hayy 

Göz kırpan yıldızlar 
Anlatırlar her gece 
Fısıldarlar durmaksızın 
Sadece iki hece 
Ya Hayy 

Her baharda topraktan 
Uyanırlar sürur ile 
Kainat ilan eder 
Aşk ile iki hece 
Ya Hayy...
I took off one night
Ascended to the heavens
I understood and observed
only one signature on every being
Ya Hayy (O Eternal Owner and Source of Life, Life Giver, Absolute Living Being)

Twinkling stars
Every night tell us
They whisper ceaselessly
Only two syllables
Ya Hayy

Every spring from the earth
They wake up with joy
The universe proclaims
with love, two syllables,
Ya Hayy...

Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native/native-like speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Friday, May 28, 2010

Karayilan (dizi muzigi) (TV Series Soundtrack) - Sevda senin gozlerinin rengindeydi

sevda senin gozlerinin, gozlerinin rengindeydi
hep bu yuzden ben siyahi olesiye oyle sevdim
gormesem de aklimdasin
bir sir gibi saklimdasin
degmez bana mermi kursun
sen olumle aramdasin
Love was in the color of your eyes

love was in your eyes, in the color of your eyes
that's why i always loved black as such to death

even if i don't see you you're on my mind
in my concealment like a secret

missile or bullet can not harm me
you stand between me and death

Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume.
Comments on translation quality are welcome.
L'amour était dans la couleur de tes yeux

L'amour était dans tes yeux, dans la couleur de tes yeux
c'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai toujours aimé le noir à la folie
même si je ne te vois pas, je pense à toi,
tu es comme un secret que je ne dévoile pas
aucune balle ne peut me toucher
tu es entre la mort et moi

Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of French (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Veuillez critiquer la qualite de la traduction si votre langue maternelle est Francais. Merci bien!
Turkish to French translation - traduction du Turc au Francais - Turkce Fransizca ceviri tercume

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Love is Universal

In our eyes reflects the light of the Sun
bright as the Full Moon in clear skies
I see the same Moon everyday
yet it never grows old or boring
every night ever more beautiful and touching
never ceases to evoke my admiration

It is not hidden nor hard to reach
the Moon hangs in the sky in peace
for all that look up to see
doesn't discriminate among any
save they open their hearts
black or white
short or tall
rich or poor
healthy or sick
gay or straight
all is blessed with the potential to find Love

Comment: In case you are not familiar with these metaphors:
the Sun is a metaphor for God's light in Middle Eastern literature.
the Moon here is a metaphor for Love.
the Moon reflects the light of Sun at night when we cannot see the Sun, just as God's light reflects in this world in the form of Love, peace and beauty whereas we cannot see God.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May Day Labor Anthem by Cem Karaca & Kemal Sunal lyrics translated turkish to english

" 1 Mayıs'ta Taksim'deyiz "

1 Mayıs İşçi Marşı

Günlerin bugün getirdiği, baskı zulüm ve kandır.
Ancak bu böyle gitmez, sömürü devam etmez,
Yepyeni bir hayat gelir, bizde ve her yerde.

1 mayıs, 1 mayıs işçinin, emekçinin bayramı
Devrimin şanlı yolunda,ilerleyen halkların bayramı.

Yepyeni bir güneş doğar, dağların doruklarından,
Mutlu bir hayat filizlenir, kavganın ufuklarından.
Yurdumun mutlu günleri, mutlak gelen gündedir.

1 mayıs, 1 mayıs işçinin,emekçinin bayramı,
Devrimin şanlı yolunda,ilerleyen halkların bayramı.

Ulusların gürleyen sesi, yeri göğü sarsıyor,
Halkların nasırlı yumruğu, balyoz gibi patlıyor.
Devrimin şanlı dalgası, dünyamızı kaplıyor.

Gün gelir, gün gelir zorbalar kalmaz gider,
Devrimin şanlı yolunda,kül gibi savrulur gider.

1 Mayıs İşçi Marşı " Cem Karaca & Kemal Sunal "
May Day Labor Anthem

What days are bringing today is oppression injustice and blood
However this shan't go forever, exploitation shall not continue
A brand new life shall come to us and everywhere

May 1st, May 1st, celebration of workers, laborers
Celebration of peoples advancing in the glorious path of revolution

A brand new sun shall rise from the summits of mountains
A happy life shall bloom at the horizon of the battle
The happy days of my homeland shall come soon for certain

May 1st, May 1st, celebration of workers, laborers
Celebration of peoples advancing in the glorious path of revolution

The roaring sound of nations is rocking earth and sky
The callused fist of peoples explodes like a sledgehammer
The glorious wave of revolution is spreading on our world

The day shall come, that day shall come when tyrants won't be no more
On the glorious path of revolution they shall vanish like ashes in the wind

Labor Day Anthem by Cem Karaca, translated by Asma.
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bedava Yasiyoruz (We're living for free) Turkish to English

Orhan Veli - Cem Karaca
Bedava yaşıyoruz dostlar bedava
Hava bedava bulut bedava
Dere tepe bedava yağmur çamur bedava
Bedava yaşıyoruz dostlar bedava
Otomobillerin dışı
Sinemaların kapısı
Camekanlar onlar bedava
Peynir ekmek değil ama
Acı su bedava
Kelle fiyatına hürriyet
Esirlik bedava
Bedava yaşıyoruz dostlar bedava
We're living for free friends for free
Air is free clouds are free
Rivers and hills are free, rain and mud are free
We're living for free friends for free
The car hoods
The theater door
Shop windows are all free
Perhaps not bread and cheese
But bitter water is free
Freedom at the cost of the head
Slavery is free
We're living for free friends for free
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Saturday, April 17, 2010

5/7/08 Camiler Devletin Degil Halkin Mali Olsun

Camilerden kendilerini Turk sanat musikisi virtuozu sanan, Arapcayi dogru durust telaffuz bile edemeyen, devlet ideolojisini halka enjekte etmekle ve "vatan millet sakarya", "Ulu Tanrim devlet babamizi koru" diyen, Turk bayragiyla Bilal-i Habesi'nin ezanini ayni kefeye koyan, carpitilmis Turk Islam'i mantalitesinde koyunlar yetistirmekle gorevli maasli imamlar cikarilip, camiler halkin topluca Muhammed asm'nin ogrettigi bicimde (Emevi, Abbasi ve Osmanli sultanlarinin yalakalarinin icadi yontemlerle degil) ibadet edebildigi, colugu cocugu esiyle ailecek gelip isteyenin istedigi zaman Kur'an'i anlamaya calisabilecegi, zikir veya dua edebilecegi, farkli meseleleri tartisabilecegi, bayram tebriklerini yapabilecegi, hatta bir kosede basinin altina Kur'an'i koyup kaylule (oglen uykusu) yapabilecegi, fakirlerin yedirilebilecegi, namaz kilinir kilinmaz kapilari kitlenmeyen ve devlet bekcisi imamin gozetiminin disinda olusan kucuk buyuk topluluklarin, olur da devletin dayatma calistigi ideolojiye aykiri bir fikir ortaya cikar, insanlar aydinlanir, Kur'an'i anlamaya, Allah'in dinini dogru sekilde ogrenmeye kalkarlar diye bir panik atakla pata kute kapi disari edilmedigi bir ortam haline getirilmedigi surece camiler ibadethane degil devletin dini kontrol etme mekanizmasinin aletleri olmaya maalesef devam edecekler.

PS: Ayasofya'nin muze oldugunu bilerek koydum resmi, cunku onu muze yapan mantalite ile camilere imam atayan mantalite her zaman ayni olmasa da ortusuyor.
PS2: Buraya kadar okuduysaniz istediginiz gibi cekinmeden evire cevire elestiri hakkina sahipsiniz, dusunce ozgurlugunden ve fikir alisverisinden yanayim. Yorumlariniz icin simdiden tesekkurler

7/9/08 A beautiful verse

‘And when it (the Qur’an) is recited to them (the People of the Book) they say: We believe in it. Surely it is the Truth from our Lord. Even before it we were of those who surrendered (muslim). These will be given their reward twice over, because they are steadfast and repel evil with good, and spend of that which we have provided for them. And when they hear vanity they say: To us our works and to you yours. Peace be unto you! We desire not the ignorant.’
Qur'an, Al Qasas (28)

11/3/08 My Turkish Translation of Baudelaire's "Paysage"


Masumane pastoral şiirlerimi yazmak için
Astrologlar gibi göğe yakın uzanmak istiyorum
Ve çanlara komşu, hülyalı dinlemek istiyorum
Ruzgarin tasidigi vakur ilahilerini.
Ellerim çeneme dayalı, çatı katımın yüksekliğinden
Şarkılar söyleyen geveze atölyemi görürüm;
Boruları, çanları, şehrin şu direklerini,
Ve yüce gökyüzünü, bana sonsuzluğu anımsatan.

Tatlıdır gökyüzünün maviliğinde, sislerin ardından
Yıldızın doğuşunu izlemek, penceremde bir lamba
Kömür ırmakları gök kubbeye yükselir
Ve ay soluk büyüleyiciliğini akıtır.
Baharları, yazları, sonbaharları görürüm;
Ve tekdüze karlarıyla kış geldiğinde,
Tüm kapı ve pencerelerimi kapatır
Gecenin karanlığında peri sarayları inşa ederim.
İşte o zaman mavimsi ufuklar hayal ederim,
Bahçeler, beyaz mermerlere ağlayan fıskiyenin suları,
Öpücükler, sabah akşam öten kuşlar,
Ve saf aşkın tüm çocuksuluğu.
Boş yere penceremde azan isyan,
Masamdan alnımı kaldırmayacaktır;
Boğulmuş olacağımdır çünkü bu şehvetinde
Arzumla ilk baharı canlandırabilmenin,
Kalbimden bir güneş söküp çıkarabilmenin ve
Yanan bu tasavvurumdan ılık bir ortam yapmanın.

I await ur constructive criticism on the translation, especially from native speakers of either French and/or Turkish. Thanks!

— Charles Baudelaire "Paysage"

Francais a Turc traduction - Fransizca Turkce ceviri tercume

11/3/08 My Turkish Translation of Baudelaire's "Le Crepuscule du Matin"

Sabahın Alacakaranlığı

Kışlaların avlularında zil çalardı ve sabahın rüzgarı
Sokak lambalarının üzerinden üflerdi.

Bu, o saatti ki, kötücül rüyalar sürüsü
Esmer delikanlıları yastıklarında kıvrandırır;
Seğiren, kıpırdayan kanlı bir göz çanağı gibi,
Lamba gün ışığında kırmızı bir lekeyi andırır;
Hırçın ve ağır bedenin yükü altında ruh,
Lamba ile gün ışığının savaşını canlandırırdı.
Meltemin sildiği göz yaşlarına boğulmuş bir çehre gibi,
Kaçışan şeylerin titremeleriyle dolu hava.
Ve adam yazmaktan, kadınsa sevmekten bitkin.

Üç beş evin dumanları tütmeye başlıyordu,
Ağızları açık zevk kadınları
Soluk göz kapaklarıyla aptal bir uykuya dalmışlardı;
Dilenci kadınlar, zayıf ve üşüyen göğüslerini sürüyerek,
Közlerini üflüyorlardı, parmaklarını üflüyorlardı.
Bu, o saatti ki, soğuk ve sefaletin ellerinde,
Doğuran kadınların acı çığlıkları artar;
Köpüklü kanlarla kesilen hıçkırıklar gibi
Horozun uzaklardan ötüşü sisli havayı yırtardı.
Binalar bir sis denizinde yıkanıyordu
Ve düşkün evlerinin dibinden, can çekişenlerin
Son hırıltıları yükseliyordu düzensiz hıçkırıklarla.
Sefiller dönüyordu evlerine, işlerinden bitkin.

Soğuktan titreyen seher, pembe yeşil entarisiyle
Issız Seine’in kıyısında ilerliyordu ağır ağır,
Ve loş Paris, ihtiyar işçi,
Gözlerini oğuşturarak iş aletlerini avuçluyordu. You can find a few different versions of the English translation of this poem and other Baudelaire's poems on this website.

Francais a Turc traduction - Fransizca Turkce ceviri tercume

1/16/09 QQun connait cette chanson d'enfants?

"une tablette de chocolat
partit en voyage
elle dit à ses enfants
gardez-moi la maison
s'il vient un pauvre donnez lui une pomme
s'il vient un riche donnez lui une gifle
s'il vient un voleur quittez lui son coeur!"

maman chantait cette comptine francaise pour nous quand on était des enfants. "la gifle" nous faisait rigoler chaque fois, comme maman faisait un grimace et montrait les cinq doigts :) 
je pensais que la comptine a des forts sens sous-jacents de socialisme :) il y a des années je l'ai recherché en google, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé jusqu'à récemment. Finalement j'ai trouvé la comptine listée dans le livre de Conrad Laforte publié en 1977 "Le catalogue de la chanson folklorique française V" à la page 503 comme la version Normandaise du titre " Saint Pierre et Saint Simon". Alice Joisten dans son livre publié en 1999 titré "Comptines, formulettes, rondes et chansons recueillies à Gap (Hautes-Alpes) en 1958" categorize cette comptine à la page 76 comme celle qui est "renfermant des allusions religieuses", en raison de l'élément charitable. Eh, je pense qu'on peut dire que les religions ont toujours une essence, dans un sens, socialiste :) 
je voudrais écouter un enregistrement, partager un lien s'il vous plait! 

3/4/09 From "Kenza farah": "Au Coeur De La Rue"="In the heart of the street"

"Au coeur de la rue ": "In the heart of the street"
Entendez-vous le cri des gens de la rue
S'unir le peuple au son de la rue
Souffrir les gosses orphelins de la rue
C'est l'hymne c'est les paroles c'est la chanson de la rue
Réunis sous les mêmes couleurs
Tous les mêmes comme un battement de coeur
Elle rassemble la variét et le rap, le hip hop et le classique et en fait des frères et soeurs
A tous les amoureux de l'art perdu au nom de la rue
A tous ceux dont le nom repose sur les murs de ma rue
A ceux qui dansent, vivent, chantent qui donnent vie à la rue
Levons nos voix que l'on nous entendent nous sommes les voix de la rue

Do you hear the shout outs of people of the street
To unite the people to the sound of the street
Suffering the orphan kids of the street
It's the hymn, it's the lyrics, it's the song of the street
United under the same colors
All the same like a heart beat
It brings together the pop and the rap, the hip hop and the classic and makes from it brothers and sisters
To all the lovers of the art lost in the name of the street
To all those whose names lie on the walls of my street
To those who dance, live, sing give life to the street
Let's raise our voices so that they'll hear us we're the voices of the street

Refrain : Chorus:

Elle nous voit grandir nous voit devenir vieux
Chaque centimètre est notre terrain de jeu
Ces liens si forts nous rapprochent de Dieu
Elle réconcilie la vieillesse avec la jeunesse
Elle est ce danseur frôlant le bitume
Elle est ce rappeur l'encre de sa plume
Elle est ce graffeur sous l'ombre de la lune
Elle est ces hommes et ces femmes qui vivent au coeur de la Rue

It sees us grow up sees us become old
Each inch is our game field
The ties so strong bring us close to God
Reconciles old age with the youth
It is this dancer near missing the asphalte
It is this rapper the ink of his nib
It is this graffiti artist under the shadow of the moon
It is these men and these women who live in the heart of the Street

Pour Mes frères une pensée à ceux qui tombent au nom de la rue
Une pensée à ceux qui vivent meurent dans nos rues
Certains craignent l'État, la police et leurs abus
Mes Frères à moi craignent les lois mais ce sont les lois de la rue
Ya ceux qui poussent pour trouver le respect de la rue
Ya ceux qui disent que le fric est le sang de la rue
Ya ceux qui savent que le rap, que le hip hop, le blues le jazz,
La new soul, le r'n'b tout ça est sorti de la rue
A tous les enfants qui s'amusent sur les trottoirs de ma rue
A ceux qui vivent balle au pied sur le terrain ou la rue
A tous les grands frères enfermés au nom du code de la rue
Respect aux anciens de nos villes plongés au coeur de la rue

For my brothers a thought to those who fall in the name of the street
A thought to those who live die in our streets
Some fear the State, the cops and their abuse
The bros of mine fear the law, but those are the law of the street
There's those who push to find the respect of the street
There's those who say the bucks is the blood of the street
There's those who know that the rap, that the hip hop, the blues the jazz,
The new soul, the r'n'b all this came outta street
To all the children who play on the sidewalks of my street
To all those who live with soccer on the terrain or the street
To all the big bros locked up in the name of the street codes
Respect to the elders of our cities sunk in the heart of the street

Refrain : Chorus

A tout les groupes, les crews, les frères sous écrous
A ceux qui ont fais leurs trous,De de Marseille à Aulney sous
A toutes celle qui réussissent en respect pour mes soeurs
Celles qui gardent leur éthique et avancent avec le coeur

To all the groups, the crews, the bros in detention
To those who have made their places, from Marseille to Aulney under
To all those girls who succeed with respect for their sisters
Those girls who guard their ethics and move forward with their hearts
Refrain : Chorus

Francais a Anglais traduction - French to English translation

6/8/09 Kirac- Gidiyorum- lyrics English & Turkish

There hasn't been anyone else, nor will there be
My door won't open unless it's you knocking
This fire burning inside me now
Don't assume it will ever come to an end

I ain't ashamed my rose, I'm a lunatic
My world has torn apart, I'm a wreck
I have wanted you so much, more than anything
I am smitten, I'm a wanderer

Why haven't you been mine
Why haven't you dressed these wounds of mine
I'm fed up of moving forward
Why don't you waylay and stop me

I'm leaving these lands
Let all the winds be yours
When you're away from me, you're in a dream
I wish one day you'll be ashamed

Years later one day, when you're old
When your silky hair goes gray
When you're strewed like dead leaves
You will be left all alone

Whereas I have loved you so much, so much
I had gathered all my flowers for you
Now my hands are empty, my heart drunken
Whereas I had hoped for so much

In my hand,
Drops of desire left from an old-time's love
Behind my back,
Shrieks of knee length muddy memories
I have torn apart and thrown away all
All that's left behind is me
And you inside me,
All the way deep in me...
Ne baþkasý oldu ne de olacak
Sen çalmazsan kapým açýlmayacak
Þimdi içimde yanan bu ateþ
Sanma ki bir son bulacak

Hiç utanmam gülüm divaneyim
Parçalanmýþ dünyam viraneyim
Seni her þeyden çok çok istedim
Vuruldum avareyim

Ne olurdu benim olsan
Þu yaralarýmý sarsan
Býktým artýk yol almaktan
Önüme çýkýp durdursan

Gidiyorum buralardan
Tüm rüzgarlar senin olsun
Benden ayrý rüyadasýn
Dilerim birgün utanýrsýn

Yýllar sonra bir gün yaþlandýðýnda
O ipek saçlarýn aðardýðýnda
Kuru yaprak gibi daðýldýðýnda
Kalýrsýn tek baþýna

Oysa seni ne çok ne çok sevmiþtim
Tüm çiçeklerimi sana dermiþtim
Þimdi ellerim boþ yüreðim sarhoþ
Oysa neler ümit etmiþtim


Eski bir aþktan kalma tutku damlacýklarý
Diz boyu balçýk hatýralarýn çýðlýðý var
Yýrtmýþ atmýþým her þeyi,
Bir ben kalmýþým ortada
Birde sen içimde,
Taa þuramda...

Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume

Friday, April 16, 2010

8/9/09 Quote from Reza Shah-Kazemi

"If the concept of unity dominates the mind, it is the principle of compassion that governs the heart in Islam. Compassion is to oneness what radiance is to the sun: It is through compassion that the oneness of God most brilliantly shines forth and reveals its fundamental nature. Since compassion stems from oneness, it not only radiates, it also integrates; it exerts a merciful attraction upon all outward multiplicity: "My Mercy encompasses all things" (Quran: chapter 7, verse 156)."

PS: Thank you Dr Zaineb for bringing this to my attention.

2000 My life philosophy

"Yasam tinin devinimidir. Yasadigimi duyumsamak, ruhumu hissetmek, ve insanligimin biricik geregi olan icsel kavgalari, bocalamalari, yuvarlanmalari, ve cozume ulastiginda duydugun mutlulugu yasamak adina, raziyim aci cekmeye, bunalimlarima..."
'Life is the flux of the geist. I am willing to suffer, and embrace my melancholies in the name of sensing my livelihood, and feeling my soul, and living the internal struggles, staggerings, tumblings that are the sole prerequisite of my humanity and the happiness that you feel when you reach a solution...'

**Edit 2016: 
...hikmet "verildiginde" duydugun huzuru yasamak adina,...
Zira, o huzur duygusu Cennet'in, Mutlak ve Guzel Isimlerin Sahibine kavusmanin mujdecisidir. Ama bir yandan da dua ediyorum:
"Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir Rabbi tammim bil-khair"
"Ey Rabbim, kolaylastir ve zorlastirma, ey Rabbim, hayirla tamamla"
Bu dua, sonucu ahirette olan bu dunya hayatina dair herhangi fani bir durum yahut bu dunya hayatinin tumu  icin edilebilir.

... the peace that you feel when you "receive" the wisdom. For, that feeling of peace is the glad tidings of Paradise, reunion with the Owner of all the Absolute and Beautiful Names. But I also pray:
"Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir Rabbi tammim bil-khair"
"O my Sustainer, make it easy and do not make it hard, O my Sustainer complete it with goodness"
"it" can be any temporary situation that is part of this worldly life or the entirety thereof whose conclusions are in the afterlife.