Thursday, October 29, 2020

Ask dizisi, meh mi?

Son zamanlarda yorumlarda ask hikayesi, ask dizisi, meh, diyerek kucumsenildigini goruyorum askin. Oysa Kur'an'da Yusuf suresi icin/de,  "Nahnu nakussu ‘aleyke ahsene-lkasasi bimâ evhaynâ ileyke hâżâ-lkur-âne" der, mealen, "Sana bu sûreyi vahyetmemizle, en güzel kıssayı sana anlatacağız." (A.F.Yavuz) (12:3). 

Yusuf suresi bir aşk hikayesidir. Ask ve hikmetin vucut bulmus halidir Yusuf asm ve hayati. 

Baba ogul aşkıdır gozlerine aglamaktan ak dusen, kilometrelerce öteden, Mısır'dan Yusuf'u bulan ogullarinin getirdigi Yusuf gömleğinin kokusunu duyan Yakub asm ile Yusuf asm'in hasret dolu sevgileri. 

Iki peygamberin, Israil lakabli beniIsrail'in atasi Yakub asm ile on iki kabilenin kayip on kabilesinden ikisinin babasi Yusuf asm'in birbirine aşkıdır. 

Yusuf ile Zuleyha'nin Yusuf'u yillarca zindanlara hapseden, ihanet ve entrika dolu ancak melikin huzurunda yapilan bir itirafla sonlanan (yahut destana gore alevlenen) aşkıdır. 

Yusuf'un Mısır'ın halkina, kuraklık ve açlıkla tehdit olunan garip ve mazlumlara aşkıdır. 

Ama en cok da Yusuf'un Rabbine aşkıdır. Rabbim der durur o. 

Ve beseri tum asklar da işte bu İlahi Askin, Rabbe olan aşkin ve Rabbin var ettigi kullarina olan askinin, kul Rabbini sevmeyi keşfetti mi karsilikli olan askin, yeryuzundeki aksi. 

Ebeveyn evlat aski, anne-evlat aski rahimden dogar insan gibi. Rahman-i Rahim'e bagimizin beşeri aksi insan omrunun basinda boyle baslar, ilk boyle numunelenir psisemizde Rahman'a askimiz. 

Sevgililerin, eslerin aski, Vedud'un aynasidir ilk baharımizda. Bazen ebeveynin yerine koyariz, onlara benzeyenlere aşık oluruz. Kimi zaman da onlardan bulamadigimiz aski arar, Rahman'la kirik bagimizi tamir etmeye zemin arariz.

Peygamber aski, Rahmanin koşulsuz sevgisini belki ebeveynimizden belki eşimizden dahi goremedigimiz kosulsuz bir sevgiyi mucessem peygamberlerin, murselinin, evliyanin aski. Rabbin tum guzelliklerine en parlak şekilde ayna tutan, Onun ahlakini ve guzelligini yeryuzunde mücessem bu kamil insanlara olan ask hem Aşk'ın Mutlak Aslının aksi hem de İlahi Ask'a acilan bir kapi. 

Destana gore Zuleyha'nin saray kabulundeki itirafıyla alevlenen ask, Zuleyha'nin Yusuf'un peygamberliğini idraki ve Rabbin yeryuzundeki en guzel yansimasini Yusuf'ta görmesiyle, peygamberin aşkından gecip İlahi Aşk'a, yani velayet makamina, kendini/Rabbini, kendinde Rabbini, Rabbinde kendini, varligin birliğinde Rabbin birliğini, Rabbin birliginde varligin birligini kesfetmeye goturen yol olur. 

Oyleyse beşeri aşk ne yüce, ne elzem, ne kutsal bizi varliga dogus gayemize tasimakta! 

Ask dizilerinin ask dizisi oluşunu değil de bu kutsal gayeyi es gecip fenaya hapsolmasini elestirelim elestireceksek.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Love has been our destiny

Love has been our destiny, 
fortune, Divine decree ever since pre-eternity 
It's one way for you, another way for us    
Our vision was flecked#
It's one way for you, another way for us 
The mountains were adorned when spring came
My shadow disappeared* when my heart overflowed
Contemplating the Beautiful out-and-out
It's one way for you, another way for us  
I desire not, if the world were to offer me all it has
The heart has embroidered its Lover on the rose** 
Seeing Its sweet (friendly)^ countenance in every face
It's one way for you, another way for us
O son, the water is one in different containers
Existence is a shadow, the ego an ambush
How can we describe, the passion for the Beloved Sustainor***
It's one way for you, another way for us^^  
#Our vision was flecked: we used to see the Beloved through the veil of existence
*I interpret the disappearance of the shadow as signifying reaching maturity through the destruction/taming/purification of the ego and/or upon coming to the realization that existence is a shadow (reflection, manifestation) of the One true undying light, the Beloved and living with the consciousness of the transience of all that we can perceive save for their aspect that looks to the countenance of the Beloved, overcoming the illusion that the "I" has an independent existence, growing in awareness that the essence of all creation is the same water in different temporary physical bodies and attaining to unity.
(Qur'an 28: 88):      Everything is bound to perish, save His countenance.
all that we can perceive is transient save for their aspect that looks to the countenance of the Beloved (ie., existence reflects the Beautiful Divine Attributes with the human having the highest potential of reflecting ALL Attributes of Beauty most brightly as in the case of the messengers)
**In Sufi poetry the rose usually signifies Rasulullah (asm), the Messenger of God (pbuh)
^The Turkish original has two versions: in one the word "hos" (sweet) is used, while in the other "dost" (friend).
***"the Beloved Sustainor": Rabb, often translated as "Lord", is the one who tames, trains, protects, provides, nurtures like a parent or guardian. It has a very intimate connotation. It also denotes the master/lady of the house who oversee their household. "Rabb" is used as opposed to us, the creation, the "ibad" (plural of "abd"), i.e. the worshipers, the adorers.
^^I believe this denotes that the experience is different at each stage of spiritual development, purification of ego: the dervish/seeker/traveler/learner is warned not to assume that she understands the essence of what the murshid/sheikh/sufi master/teacher/guide is talking about. Just because she has heard about the sweetness of the honey doesn't mean she has experienced, tasted the honey. She cannot truly know what honey tastes like unless she tastes it herself. "Honey" here symbolizes falling in love with the Beloved Source of creation, our purpose of existence since pre-eternity. Only when the heart falls in love does spring come to our blossoming soul so it can mature and bear its eternal fruits.

See alternate translation here:
Sevgi baht olmuş ezelden bize,
Sizde bir türlü, bizde bir türlü
The translation in the above link is missing the 3rd stanza.
Original Composer:
Tahir Karagoz
Ibrahim Yurtoren
Performance by Elif Omurlu Uyar:
by Tugba Gulyesil:
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume