Monday, April 14, 2014

Sevdim Seni - Ilahi / Hymn - I fell in love with you

I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you, I fell in love O Messenger of God
I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you, I fell in love O Lover of God

I fell in love with you, I fell in love for you are dearest to all souls
I fell in love for it is not just me but all the world is ready to sacrifice for you
Rise to my heart like the Sun, if only for an instant, O light and adorner of hearts
I fell in love for you are the remedy to my yearning heart’s ache

Tongues mention your name together with Allah (God)
I fell in love for my Sustainer is in love with you and you are in love with my Sustainer
Every night the laments of lovers ascend to the highest heavens
I fell in love for your grace to rebels is a supreme edict

Even prophets** call for your support at the Armageddon
I fell in love for rose faced angels admire you
This heart of mine is burning like an incense from your adoration
I fell in love for without you even paradise would pain me with separation
** The word “prophets” (nebi) is used as opposed to “messengers” (rasul). All messengers are prophets but not vice versa. Messengers (Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad..) are chosen among prophets (Adam, Jacob, Mother Mary...). God makes no distinction between any of Its messengers (Qur’an, 2:285.)**
Please comment on quality of translation/accurateness of English (if you're a native/native-like speaker). Thanks!
Turkish to English translation - Turkce Ingilizce ceviri tercume
Sevdim seni sevdim seni sevdim yâ Rasulallah
Sevdim seni sevdim seni sevdim yâ Habibullah

Sevdim seni hep canlara cansın diye sevdim
Bir ben değil alem sana kurban diye sevdim
Doğ kalbime bir lahzâcık ey nuru dilârâ
Sevdalı gönül derdime derman diye sevdim

Allah ile birlikte anar ismini diller
Rabbim sana sen Rabbime aşık diye sevdim
Ta arşa çıkar her gece aşıkların âhı
Asilere lutfun yüce ferman diye sevdim

Mahşerde nebiler bile senden meded ister
Gül yüzlü melekler sana hayran diye sevdim
Aşkınla buhurdan gibi tütmekte bu kalbim
Sensiz bana cennet bile hicran diye sevdim

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