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Topic: Longing for Paradise. What is the solution? (Part 3) Halaqa: Wednesday, April 16 2014 presented at New York University by Dr Ali Mermer
Kur'an ayetlerinin sonsuz anlam katmanlarinin olusu
Tas devri diyetine Kur'ani bir yaklasim denemesi
This material world is not much more than nothingness
Madde maddi dedigin hicten pek fazlasi degil
In every dark and cold well is a door opening to a palace
Matter and Meaning(Spirit): Two Sides of a Coin
Madde ve Mana (Ruh): Ayni jetonun iki yuzu
"Cehenneme varmayacak kimse yoktur" ne demektir? Meallere dikkat
"Allah, diledigini saptirir" ne demek? Mealden Kur'an okurken dikkat
Imaan (belief with certainty) is to not contradict yourself.
Bir aksamlik omur - A lifetime of one evening
Sevginin gucu = The Power of Love
responding to oppression with compassion=zulme sefkatla karsilik vermek
a temporal and local continuity is not out of necessity
No action is secular within the Qur'anic framework
Who or what can endow me with my breath every moment?=Bana nefesimi her an kim ya da ne bahshedebilir?
The next world is an organic consequence of this world
living in the now and in gratitude :)
Should I take to worshiping [other] deities beside God?
Is the creation of Satan evil? Seytan'in yaratilmasi ser midir? Est-ce la creation de Satan mal?
Is pain evil? Est-ce la douleur mal?
Interpretation of "We" in the Qur'an
Ekonomik tercihler
Oh my ego who has lost inner peace...
how to do Q&A with revelation?
Does praying to God mean we should not appeal to causes?
Why do we say salawat to Prophet Muhammad?
Tas Devri Insaninin Dogayla Iliskisi
Tawakkul (trust) in our Provider's bounty or in the money we collect: huntergatherers vs
billionaires and trillionnaires
Child rearing in paleolithic societies vs industrial societies
Insan unutkandir. Humans are forgetful.
Why I choose to be omnivorous
Purpose of Life=Hayatin Amaci
Community of Muhammad, Muhammed ummeti
NYC vs nature
"Kimlik bunalimi" "Identity crisis"
Ruhu ne doyurur? What satisfies the soul?
Healthy Living and Weight Management-Diet and Supplements
Benim olduktan sonra... Once it is mine...
Health Care or Lying&Cheating&Robbing?
Healthy Living and Weight Management
Our Metamorphosis with Death
2001 Birak ucsun yarali guvercin. Let go, let the injured dove fly.
My life philosophy back in 2000
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